Thursday, May 26, 2011

Morning Mystery

It is now 9:10 am and the little guy is still asleep! He must be going through a little bit of a growth spurt I would say.

We had crazy amounts of rain and lightening last night.  Our poor neighbors backyard looks like a swimming pool!! Our's stayed semi-dry Praise the Lord!  The last time we got this much rain we ended up with a swimming pool in our basement...not fun.  It's a peaceful morning after all of that rain though...everything is quiet outside, the breeze is of those mornings where you could literally lay in bed and just snooze!!

I do have quite a bit I would like to get done today though.  I've got the usual laundry and cleaning and I need to hit Walmart today as well.  I was also thinking about busting out my sewing machine and seeing if it works! It was my grandma's and we aren't sure what kind of shape it is in!

Well...the little guy is stirring...time to get goin!! Have a happy day :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Daytime Discoveries

I learned two things today:

1. I have to be very careful how quickly I leave or enter a room with the little guy now.
    He is very observant for a 3 month old.  I am constantly amazed at his changing personality.  Life
    is so much more fun now and I'm not sure what I did before having a little one :)

2. Mayo can be substituted for eggs in chocolate chip cookies...1 tablespoon per egg!
    I am babysitting a little guy and  I told him we would make cookies.  I got to my fridge and realized
    that I had no eggs!! I couldn't go to the store because my little guy had just falled asleep and I didn't
    want to not make the cookies.  Amazing what you can find when you google it. of right now it is raining ever so lightly outside, the little one is fast asleep, and I think I myself will head to bed.  Sweet dreams <3

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Coffee and Conversation

So I must say that I am really starting to enjoy my morning conversations with my 3 month old.  No...he's not talking yet, but for someone who can't form words he sure is a chatty Kathy!! It's amazing to me to watch him grow and change everyday.  He will lay on the bed in the mornings and just "talk" to me for a good hour.  I think he is going to be one of those children that starts asking 20 questions at a very young age. 

He's been sleeping through the night now for a good month and a half...let me just tell you how great that has been!  Funny though because when he started to do that...I stopped!! Mommy brain I guess just never shuts off! 

Well...I'm going to go finish my morning conversation and coffee and get this beautiful day started! More to come as my new adventure continues.

Monday, May 23, 2011

rainy day rant

I can honestly say that I love the rain...but I would LOVE to get outside and lose this baby weight!!! Being a new mommy is so much more than I ever imagined.  My little guy is 3 months old and it seems like he just arrived! He's to the trying to talk phase, smiling all the time, and grabbing for everything.

I think this phase is God's way of saying..."way to go making it through the first 8 weeks, here is your reward!"  I will be honest...I said I would never have another baby during the first 8 weeks! Everything that could go wrong sure did! But is bliss...until the potty training years I'm sure!!

That's all for now...have to get some laundry in while baby boy is sleeping! Stay never know where this will go :)